Talent was certainly spotted in Chloe Andrews at New Designers 2019. Her display of work was almost eclipsed by awards alongside notes of appreciation and encouragement from industry experts. It was well deserved recognition and that is why the CIDA judges added their approval of her outstanding use of colour. Read on to find out more about what makes this talented designer tick and her plans for the future…
Where did you study and what was the course title?
Loughborough University- Textiles: Innovation and Design
Name of your lecturer – course tutor?
Tina Frank, Print Pathway Tutor
Tell us about our creative process – where do you find inspiration?
Inspiration can come from a wide variety of sources. From colours that represent a particular culture to colour schemes within films. Such as the colours found within the book ‘Hungarian Peasant Costumes’ by Alice Gaborgan. This provided me with vivid, pure colours, symbolising youth and joy; developing my scheme for my first semester project. The palette for Swedish Escape; my final university project was inspired by the colours in Wes Anderson’s film, ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’.
What is the best bit of the creative process – journey or destination?
The best bit of the creative process is the journey that is taken. I find the midpoint of a project especially exciting; when the initial research has been completed and the colour palette has been clearly defined, allowing me to concentrate on producing paintings and drawings which reflect the theme successfully.
Creative low point?
A creative low point would be any time throughout my final year that I applied too much pressure on myself to produce my best work yet; which simultaneously stunted my progress a few times.
Creative high point?
A creative high point was being awarded the Kingfisher Design Talent Award at New Designers; it was a great end to my university studies. I was thrilled to be recognised for my versality and thoughtful design process.
Where do you want to be in 3 years’ time?
In three years’ time I would like to be settled within a company and possibly worked my way up to a Print Designer role from an Assistant.
Is there one person during your studies/life who has really made a difference to you?
One person that really made a difference to me during my studies was my A-Level Art Teacher, he encouraged me to push myself outside of my creative comfort zone, in terms of scale and style. As well as my Foundation tutor who crucially made me aware of the potential to use my artistic skill in the print design industry. I must also give a special mention to my parents who have always provided me with ample emotional support throughout my studies, I could not have achieved all I have without them.
What is your favourite colour?
I find it impossible to state one colour as my ultimate favourite as I find colours work best together; in either a complimentary or contrasting way.
Contact details: chloevictoriaandrews@gmail.com
Social media details Instagram: @chloeandrewsdesigns