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One to watch: Louise Brown

Louise Brown - One to Watch 2018 (ND part 1)

University course - BA (Hons) in Textiles specializing in embroidery - The Glasgow School of Art .

“I am all about the finer details, focusing on embellishment and hand embroidery. By focusing on this I find that I have a more personal connection towards my work”.

  1. What was it like to be spotted by the judges as ‘One to Watch’ for 2018?

Being spotted by the judges was such a shock and extremely overwhelming as there was a lot of amazing work at New Designers.

2. How important is colour in your work and why?

Colour has a huge role within my work as I wanted to express the hidden colours within nature as a lot of people associate nature with green.

3. What or who inspires you?

Nature has always inspired me, especially nature that is hidden and that people are not always aware of. When it comes to designers, I am very interested in couture and designers who explore materials.

4. What gets you out of bed in the morning?

I aim to wake up feeling positive and creative and believe this will motivate me to do the best I can in anything I attempt.

5. What would you like to achieve in the next year?

In the next year, I would love to sell some accessories that have my embellishment on them. I also aim to work within the design industry.

6. Tell us about someone who really made a difference to your creative journey in the past few years. Who are they and what did they do/say

New Designers was such an incredible experience, I had such a boost of confidence and I am extremely overwhelmed with all the support and kind words since New Designers.

7. What is your favourite colour?

I have two favourite colours: Raspberry Diva and grey.

Find out more and get in touch with Louise

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